Friday, September 25, 2020

Now it's an OLD habit

ooh ooh oh oh you don’t have to Blog

But I continue to post. Not nearly as much as years ago when it was more popular with more readers. 

I never posted much on this blog. BUT WAIT MINUTE - I still have TWO active blogs??

Yes. Once in awhile I go back and read old posts. It's recorded personal history. Here's a past post on this blog explaining my blogging habit.

"the zig-zagging road of progress" - I recently read that phrase on a FB post. Is it a more accurate than "the long and winding road"? Are we even on a road? Maybe it's a muddy ditch. I don't know but that's a thought I had today so in a future time I could come back here and remind myself.

Maybe it's a stairway?

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