Tuesday, October 29, 2019

good parody

Performer Jen Houston turned Cyndi Lauper song "Time After Time" into a Trump song parody "Crime After Crime."

While I found this parody funny the truth behind it is very sad. Trumpy Dumpty has ruined the office of President. Here's a few lines from the parody that were really good (or bad for the US)

Lying about everything
Don't matter if it's small or big

He's a thug, he's a crook
He's our president
Crime after crime

He's insane, narcissistic,
Can't help himself

Pardons dangled
To White House aides
To break the law
Grammar mangled
He's a grifter,  a crook,
That's our president
Crime after crime

While I have doubts the current impeachment process will get him thrown out, I hope at least it raises enough voter awareness and energy to have him and his loyal politicians lose their next election.

This parody needs more views.
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